Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How The Boar's Head Proved Why It Is Good to Be Getting Married

Who knew a weekend in Stratford could completely convince a girl that the single life is not all it is cracked up to be?

As many know I have been attached to Brandon since high school and as a result have never played an active role in the "singles' circuit". Mind you, I do wish to clarify that I have no problem observing the "circuit" from the position of arm chair quarterback or better yet "wing-woman" (I am very PC in my terminology) and it was through this position I found myself in a bar in Stratford serving as first lieutenant to my unit* member Mallory.

As this post could be the longest ever as per our experience, I have decided to narrow my tale of how The Boar's Head proved why getting married is great down to three examples of single men we encountered... kind of like the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker (if you will) of Stratford's singles' circuit.

First Example - The Cabinet Maker

In order to give you an idea of what he looked like I should explain that I was torn between calling this gentleman the Cabinet Maker or the Mullet Man (enough said?). He came over to our table after Mallory and I shared a laugh with one of his friends (the laugh relates to example #2 - I will explain later). He was in his 40s and was quite interested in Mallory. He was also (cough) a tad over weight and looked like he had been drinking a 2-4/smoking 3 packs a day for all of recent memory.

There were two parts of this encounter that I thought were the most entertaining, 1) the fact he expended a great amount of effort towards detailing for Mallory about his own history of physical exercise (at minimum 2 hours a day, weights, running...), and 2) when Mallory abandoned me to go to the washroom and he subsequently went out for a cigarette his friends wanted full details as to Mallory's single status as well as her age and whether she was interested in this lovely mullet headed cabinet maker (and obviously being the true friend I am, I suggested she was).

Second Example - The Pirate

The Pirate was actually a member of a group of individuals celebrating "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" (who knew?).  For more information visit: They were all dressed like Pirates with eye patches, swords, and flags. While no one in this group did more than ogle at Mallory it was still fascinating to see these people wandering around AARGHing and drinking.

One member of this group that was predominately was composed of 20 somethings stood out. This man's role was to be the "flag waver", he was 40-ish and looked so proud to have the role of waving the skull and cross bone flag with this group of swashbucklers. Frankly, while he didn't actually make a move I have to say that just the very possibility of such an event makes me feel relieved that I have a perfect first line of defence - my engagement ring (nice to look at and would also serve as a handy form of self defence).

Third Example - The Map Master

While we ran into The Map Master on our way out of Stratford as opposed to at the Boar's Head I feel he nonetheless needs to be included as a prime example of why again I am thrilled to be getting married.

Mallory and I were stopped trying to figure out if we should turn left or right to get to the 401 when this white van pulled up alongside our car. Mallory waved the driver onwards and he pulled around to go in front of us. It took him approximately 3 Mississippis before he reversed and asked us if we needed directions. After inquiring where we were from and where we needed to go he provided udirections (smiling continually like an idiot) and proceeded to move forward for about two Mississippis worth of time. After which he reversed again and said "I don't normally do this..." (ummm can you say cheesy?), but he was hoping Mallory would see him again and proceeded to yell his e-mail address through the car window. He gets points for dedication, but frankly he lost them for the following: 1) being 20 years too old, 2) driving a white mini-van (even red or black would have been better), 3) having a yappy little dog on his lap in the front seat, and 4) can you say future stalker material?

I hope these three examples serve as clean cut examples of why I consider myself incredibly lucky to be getting married (thank you Brandon!). This reality means I can now settle into my role as soon-to-be married "wing woman" (and hopeful matchmaker - look at the future love match I may have orchestrated between Mallory and the Cabinet Maker!). 

And now as I go to sleep I feel completely content in knowing that the Cabinet Maker, the Pirate and the Map Master are still out there fighting the good fight in the land of singledom (and hopefully staying well away from my friends).

PS Congratulations to Mallory - she placed first in her age group for the Duathalon - 5 km run, 30 km bike, 5 km run (the reason we were in Stratford!) - You're Amazing Mal :-) I am so proud of you.

* To be explained in a later post

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reason #1012 Why I Love Brandon

Many people are aware of this, but for your information corny is my middle name... I am constantly telling lame jokes and/or laughing at the most ridiculous things.  However, in relation to the wedding I am trying to be reasonable about this delightful personality trait (errr... flaw to some, cough) as I am quite positive no one wants to attend/go to a) a sob fest, b) a reception with lengthy, boring speeches where you debate which utensil to stab yourself in the eye with, and/or c) a room filled with hearts, pictures of kittens, or something equally over the top. 

In fact as a demonstration of how reasonable I am I did not once pout, complain, nag, cry, whine, or have any other emotional outburst when I asked Brandon ten-ish months ago to perform a handfasting ceremony with me one year and a day before our wedding and he said flat out no.  You see I am above that and I have class which is why I did not get upsent when I was told "no way on earth" (that is my polite translation of the situation).

For those of you who are wondering, handfasting is a primarily Scottish tradition that involves the couple-to-be clasping hands and sharing a vow while their hands are bound with ribbon/cord/string (etc...).  This was commonly used back in the "day" (16th, 17th,18th, 19th centuries) because priests were in high demand and sometimes it would take nearly a year before one would pass through the village (thank God for the Model T).  Nowadays this ceremony has become a little bit pagan, but don't worry I am not one to veer off the beaten path (forget broomsticks and toe of newt)... all I wanted was to have a moment to pledge my love in a true Scottish fashion and if our hands were tied, so be it.  For more information visit:

Mom's Debut...

At any rate, as a result of my maturity and understanding of Brandon's lack of interest in the ceremony I let it slip my mind and continued on with life, until... I was in the bathroom zestfully scrubbing the toilet (on September 17) when the phone rang (FYI this is 9 o'clock at night).  A few seconds later my mother walked into the bathroom and told me I had 10 minutes to get cleaned up as Brandon and I were going to be handfast.  Now as for my reaction, was it joy, surprise, frustration?  No it was confusion... I kept saying, "but I am cleaning the toilet" and asking why if I were going to be HANDFAST would no one see fit to MENTION this fact...  

Nonetheless, the toilet factor actually gave me an opportunity to prove how adept I am at getting my act together.  Therefore 10 minutes later I was dressed (clean) and ready to roll.  Mind you I kept muttering about toilets and cleaning products, but that is entirely beside the point.

When we went outside my parents had lit the gas fire and the deck was filled with candles/torches (two thumbs up to all for style and taste).  My mom (who from this point onwards shall be called the greatest mom ever) performed the ceremony and bound our wrists with 13 different colours of ribbon.  For more information visit:  PS I am not kidding about my mom she was fantastic!

I guess this is where the saying "attached at the hip" came from...

 The absolute best part of the evening was Brandon.  His vow was tear jerking (as he demonstrated (cough), but don't tell anyone that's a secret and he would kill me if he knew I told!).  He even incorporated his love of my singing voice.  That has to be love and dedication because frankly I have heard the noise I make when I sing and it probably shouldn't even be classified as singing... perhaps more like a screechy off pitch wailing - love might be blind, but who knew it was deaf?

Ummmm... it could be an uncomfortable marriage if we stay like this!

 Between the vows, my wonderful family being there and Mallory joining us as photographer for the night the whole night was wonderful.  Brandon completely fooled me and made the whole thing a surprise... and despite the toilet cleaning I wouldn't of changed a thing (mind you it would have been a nice touch if he had promised to clean toilets for the rest of our marriage, but we can't have it all). 

Pretty good reason to love Brandon, eh?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Da Wedding Party Party

The first lesson a soon-to-be bride learns is that scheduling is a nightmare. Trying to get everyone together at the same time and in the same place is an impossible task. However, I was successful and this past Friday night the ladies and gents of our wedding party came over to celebrate the fact there are only 365 days until we buy them dinner again... aren't we nice? (Kidding All) Actually it was lovely to have everyone together as we are lucky to have a fantastic group of friends and family.

I love him!

The other benefit of having a wedding party party (or WPP as I like to call it when I am pretending to be a rapper - don't worry I do finger movements and everything) is that Brandon and I got to practice having a dinner party. This may not seem important to most but as my cooking experience is limited at best it is always good to show off what I cannot do (thanks mom for your help and everyone else who brought food!). Frankly, I think mom just helped in order to ensure no horrifying food poisoning tales came from the "sick, rad, happenin' partay called da W-P-P" (sorry rapper mode got turned on by accident).

(From Back Left to Right) Megan, Lanny, Dad (AKA Rob), Brandon, Terry, Sue, John, Jason, Amandeep, Mom (AKA Laura), Me (AKA Marie), Lorraine, Adam, Mallory, Piper (dignified gentleman in the collar), Elizabeth, Alyssa, Lorraine (Missing From Picture, But Attended: Meaghan, Ryder and Rhys)

Now the one hiccup in the evening was the unfortunate attempt murder on my life... can you see the newspaper headings? It was worsened because it was my future husband that performed the attack... perhaps he is a hit man in disguise? We were standing forcing everyone to take pictures ad nauseum and Brandon "innocently" (ha!) put his arm around my neck... and one thing led to another and I got pushed... I have heard rumours it was my mom that was involved with an elbow, but frankly I am not sure (Brandon and Mom tag teaming my demise?). Okay I will move on, but peeps (rapper mode) I be watchin' for any more wacked moves.

This was taken directly following the attempt on my life...
opinions anyone?

Anyway, thanks again wedding party for coming and joining in on the fun and just think... less than a year till you can get your life back!