Monday, April 12, 2010

From Mexico with Love... (In lieu of a postcard...)

Dear Brandon:

I made it to Mexico! Yes, yes, yes! I miss you like crazy, but frankly this place is amazing! The day started off with a limo ride to the airport, accompanied by a little champagne, a few photos and lots of smiles... mind you the days leading up to the trip were about as crazy as imaginable (WITH THE AIRLINE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS AND ALL- a little "off kilter" if I do say so myself), so I think such a start is only fair... While the airline going out of business was like a bad dream, I have to say the whole idea of the trip in the first place was like a good dream... as the major reason behind the trip was my parents wanted to take my sister and I on a final Greig family vacation... before we diversify and “officially” add you to our mix (which I cannot wait for!).

[NOTE TO READER: Did you note that the airline went out of business? Yes of course the airline went out of business; why would the airline want to stay in business? I go on vacations all the time after all. For more information visit:]

Once my family and I finished checking in we eagerly awaited our flight (picture a line of disgruntled people who have recently spent the last 48 hours balancing on the edge of their seat waiting to find out if they will be able to go to Mexico, that are then told that their flight was delayed by an hour...).

With a few minor issues (i.e. the Tim Hortons staff not understanding why we would like toppings on our bagels.... dry bagel does not work for me, nor does paste, but that is an entirely different conversation), our flight was called to line up... the good news - we were bumped up to FIRST CLASS!!!

[NOTE TO READER: Flying in first class may be eligible for the highlight filmstrip reel that will play at various intervals throughout the course of my life in my head when I feel in danger, excitement, and/or nostalgia, such a strip will include... Brandon proposing... Graduating university... Discovering Caramilk's secret... Rolling up the "rim" to be told that I have won a chance to play again... etc...)]

Upon landing in Huatulco (for more information visit: I came to the realization that the coolest place (well not literally) in the world to work in is an airport that is built as a hut... Can you beat that?

The resort we stayed at was called Las Brisas (can't remember what that means, but it was interesting...) and it is very much influenced by Spanish culture (no mass Westernization here).

[NOTE TO READER: Huatulco is practically on top of the equator (well not quite as it is still in North America, but closer than I have ever been), therefore, as you can imagine it is HOT! Originally I was panicked that since we were leaving weather that was approximately 25 degrees I would miss the one week we are allotted every year to celebrate Canadian summer, but as we landed back in Toronto in 2 degree weather it looks like my concerns were avoided.]

After lazing by the beach (AKA the Pacific Ocean, sigh) for a few days we signed up for a tour of the area. From tasting tequila, to avoiding chocolate covered grasshoppers, to living for the air conditioned bus, it was fascinating... one of the more interesting places we went was a textile factory... a place that inspired one of your souvenirs... I know it is your favourite: a table cloth with matching napkins. Please don't cry over such a gift, I scarified my own interests to provide you such a present, cough)

[NOTE TO READER: Don't worry Brandon did get "real" souvenirs, AKA a bowl and matching plate... cough, cough... kidding, he received a money clip and a beverage inspired t-shirt.]

I might be having a good time here...

Now before I progress any further I have to comment on one of the more "interesting" (cough) elements of the resort (cough, death defying)... the shuttle ride up to the rooms. As the resort is in the middle of the mountains a shuttle is really the only way to get around - please picture thin, winding roads, speeds faster than light, auto bond style driving, and efforts to save gas by cutting the engine and letting the vehicle roll... Anyway, we survived, at first I thought I was going to die and the filmstrip was playing like mad in my head, but by the end of the trip the daily shuttle ride was a favourite part.

Megan and Dad on the shuttle ride from &%$"/Q*...

Another day of the vacation included Megan and I hitting the water on a snorkelling trip in the Pacific Ocean. It was amazing! The tour guides were fantastic (not good looking at all without their shirts on, so please don’t worry that I was drooling all over the place) and were extremely helpfully with my diabetic “issues”.

[NOTE TO READER: The tour guides were so paranoid that I would die in the middle of the ocean somewhere – really appreciate that by the way – that they assigned a guide to Megan and I... unfortunately he swam without a shirt on... I feel that is just a mistake... chiselled abs should never really be exposed to daylight.]

Our last night in Mexico... What a Wonderful Family

Beyond the snorkelling trip every day was filled with weather over 40 degrees, sun, food, making pottery, more sun, food, sun, and more sun. The whole experience was incredible and while our flight home was delayed it didn’t matter because it just meant a few more hours in the sunny airport (huts are not great for keeping cool in...).

[NOTE TO READER: My parents got bumped up to first class on the way home... don’t worry I wasn’t jealous in the slightest.]

I missed you like crazy dear and for all our talk of running off to an island to get married... this emphasized how great it would be! However... the days are ticking by... ummm 160 at last count! And my anticipation is building.

This may be my last “official” Greig Family Vacation (thanks Mom and Dad... the trip was wonderful and meant the world to me... you’re the best), but I know I will have tons of Fulton (Greig, cough) Family Vacations to come!

Love you dearly and can’t wait to see you soon (and plan the rest of the wedding with you... did you look over the invitation proof yet?).

Your Marie