Monday, January 25, 2010

Cakes and Kilts... What More Could a Girl Ask For?

Wow there is less than eight months until the big day; time has flown so fast! January has been jammed packed with wedding activities and the excitement is building. The last two weeks have seen us take care of ordering the cake, the lads (going for the Scottish thing) getting sized for kilts, and my Lassie’s (AKA the Unit) picking their bridesmaid dresses!

And the journey begins! 
Doesn't he look cute?... confused about his apparel, but cute!

For Brandon and I cake is not the most important part. It is obviously a key to the whole day (you have to have something to shove in your new spouse’s face), but for us a wedding is not defined by cake... however... there are some that would disagree and by that standard we still have to choose a wedding cake that is edible and at least goes with the whole wedding motif we have tried to create.

Enter Aunt Audrey’s Cakes (for more information please visit: and may I say YUM! Instead of being a lack lustre experience I completely enjoyed the cake sampling and the cake design we chose. This is where I have to give a shout out to Brandon for his fantastic ability to understand food; he has this incredible knack for mixing the right sauces, spices, carbs, proteins and vegetables into the tastiest mixtures one has ever tasted! In fact I have been known refer to Brandon as the king of Subway as without fail we can stand in line at Subway right beside each other and put the exact same ingredients on a sub, but every time (EVERY SINGLE TIME) Brandon’s sub ends up being 1000% better than mine (amazing but true). He actually might be the eighth wonder of the food world... Anyway, back to the cake...

Landon... Booyah!

I don’t want to ruin the surprise, so I will leave it that we chose a lovely cake and I am completely pumped to have what appears to be a lovely food item to shove in Brandon’s face (mwhahaha, mwhahaha)... well, not really... this is where I have to be honest... I am not into the whole cake in the face thing... in fact it kind of disturbs me and as the resident diabetic in the relationship I feel shoving a pile of sugar in my face (even if it misses my mouth) is just bad mojo for the day – sugar is evil stuff and I wouldn’t put it past it to try to absorb through my skin into my blood stream and send me on a high that no legal or illegal drug could produce. I am explaining this right now so no one thinks I am being a stick in the mud on the big day... I am just being practical... we all know how my luck works and if it wasn’t a crazy high blood sugar as a result of my face being caked it would be my uncanny ability to somehow get icing in my eye and end up blind... therefore, it is just better to avoid, avoid, avoid.

I think someone finds something funny!

The next wedding event that transpired was something that both Brandon and I have been eagerly anticipating for months – the kilts! We can’t call ourselves off kilter if we don’t have kilts! Therefore, on a sunny day in January we went to the Scottish Company at Leslie and the 401 and were sized... now frankly I am going to try to do my best to explain, but the pictures will have to do most of the talking because frankly it was so much fun to see.

Sue you cannot hide from the camera!

One big topic during the course of the fitting was the to wear underwear or not debate... this has been a critical debate for months and one that I personally feel is open, shut... and covered! The gentleman who fitted the guys and doll(s) pointed one important fact out to the troop and that was... THESE ARE RENTED KILTS and perhaps you won’t want to share space quite that way. Therefore, the jury is still out, but I am thinking with arguments like that it won’t be that much longer until a clear distinction is made.

I'm not sure about the shoes Deep, but you look pretty darn good in a kilt!

In addition to Brandon’s gang we had two younger visitors with us: Carter (remember him? he was just born not that long ago) and Brandon’s niece Alyssa (absolutely adorable young lady). It was great to have them along for the ride and frankly they work well in pictures!

(Left to Right)

Mom practicing her baby holding techniques on Carter

It looks like Brandon is kidnapping Alyssa away... Run Alyssa, Run!

Okay, okay, that is probably enough for tonight, but that leaves the tale about bridesmaid dresses for next time! Therefore, stay tuned and while I think these jokes are mildly tasteless those who are anti-kilt will probably get a chuckle and occasionally I have to provide you folks and outlet for your unkiltsmanlike opinions (and the guys and doll(s) of Brandon’s gang a few options for comebacks on the wedding day... ummmm Sue I don’t know what you are going to say, but we’ll work on it)!

(Left to Right) Suzie Q and Terry Too... My parents and me... I am so lucky! 

Therefore, a few responses to the question: What do you wear under your kilt?

1. Nothing is worn, in fact everything is in good working order!
2. My mother once told me a decent lady wouldn’t ask, God bless ’er she was right!
3. On a good day lipstick (okay that one is inappropriate, but I laughed really hard)!
4. My shoes and socks!
5. Ahhh lass I am a man of few words... (and one can imagine where that ends!)
6. My Scottish Pride!
(For more information on jokes that will tickle your sporran please visit: and/or  

PS I didn't want to give away any "real" pictures of the kilts since I figure that should be a surprise.  However, I will let you know that the tartan is Scottish National and the whole kilt fitting was one of my favourite parts so far!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Canadian Cold Feet?

So I got a little distracted from my happy tales of pre-marital bliss... and had to express my discontent (I will keep all posted on whether I receive an apology). HOWEVER, it is time I return to my blathering on about my wedding (which is getting CLOSER!).

Now as I have been trying to finish recapping December to make it look like I actively thought about the wedding that month, I have a few more tales to share and then I think I am caught up to date. This is a good thing as starting Friday the next few weeks are going to be nuts! First comes cake, then comes kilts, then comes a million other things (I think I am most excited about the kilts)!

I guess the biggest thing I have to explain is that as of late I have been having a serious case of cold feet. Now I know you are thinking this is an awkward way of telling Brandon that something's wrong, but don't worry my cold feet have had absolutely nothing to do with him... The first instance occurred when Megan and I went to the Torch Relay at Nathan Phillips Square. It was so exciting to see the Olympic Flame be brought into Toronto; it made me feel like I was actually a part of the Olympic experience even though the Games are happening so far away. However, no matter how much I was warmed by the spirit of being Canadian, I can easily say that the Torch Ceremony was absolutely one of the coldest experiences of my life. Seriously! Three days later I still wasn't sure if I had left my left foot behind... and specifically there is a toe that was really missing - it was an important one... it really gave definition to my foot.

True Canadian Spirit - I don't know if I was made for this though!

The second instance wasn't so joyous, nor a laughing matter. However, the overall feeling of being Canadian was there despite the reason for the gathering. My second instance of cold feet occurred when Dad, Megan and I went to watch the soldiers being brought home from across the Highway of Heroes from our vantage point on the Henry St. Overpass. In this situation I swear I nearly lost a foot to the cold, but I have to say that my pathetic complaints are nothing compared to what some have given/lost and I want to say thank you to the four soldiers and their families.

At any rate, despite the severe cases of cold feet I have been experiencing as of late I am proud to report that the only sign of cold feet thus far has been environmentally induced as opposed to romantically/mentally (are you breathing Brandon?).

A few days after the Torch Relay (AKA the coldest experience of my life) another exciting moment happened... my cousin Janessa and her boyfriend Jesse got engaged! Brandon and I are both thrilled for them and excited that there is another wedding on the horizon. I have to say the moment I found out was incredibly exciting because Janessa said she had news for me and I had grabbed her hand... and I felt the ring (PS it is beautiful!) and we started jumping up and down. It was all rather fantastic. Congrats guys and we can't wait to watch you go through your whole wedding planning experience.

How Cool Is This?  (No really how cold is this!?)

Okay so this is a short blog... as promised (miracles do happen). I will have another instalment this weekend as tomorrow we are going to the bakery to talk "cake" and then Saturday is Kilt Day... I will keep y'all posted and I can't wait to tell everyone how "off kilter" our kilt experience turns out to be!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

An "Off Kilter" Experience: The Holiday Inn Express in Whitby, Ontario

As I am getting married this year (September 18, 2010) I need to book a large quantity of hotel rooms for my guests to stay in and like any other bride I made a couple of appointments to check out my options (please let's remember I am Scottish [READ: cheap]).

The second of the two appointments I booked was for January 3, 2010 (3pm) at the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS in WHITBY, ONTARIO.  Hating being late we, (my parents, my sister and I) arrived at the hotel right on time. Among other pieces of information I hoped to find out, I wanted to ensure that the honeymoon suite was what my fiancĂ© and I were looking for.

Upon entering the hotel (FYI The hotel was HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS in WHITBY, ONTARIO) I immediately walked up to the front desk and introduced myself (please note I had been advised that anyone could take me around the hotel and that it would be their "pleasure"). The employee rudely told me that the “Presidential (AKA Honeymoon) Suite” was dirty and had not been cleaned, nor would it be cleaned for the rest of the day as they were short on cleaning staff (Bottom Line: we could not see the room). Upon inquiring if this was a regular occurrence it was suggested that the hotel was typically short of cleaning staff. Additionally no offer was made for us to see the rest of the hotel, no apology was offered and basically we were dismissed completely out of hand.

This really frustrated me for a number of reasons: 1) as the appointment was at 3pm (their specified time) my entire day off (as it was a Sunday) had to be structured around this time, 2) I was insulted because I felt the employee treated me with complete disregard and open rudeness, and 3) I do not know what the common cleaning practices of hotel chains are (don't know if I want to...), but the impression I was left with was that it was undetermined when the room would be cleaned and that seems unhygienic at best.

After stewing over the issue I called the hotel (just in case you can’t remember the name it was THE HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS in WHITBY, ONTARIO) on Monday January 4, 2010 and asked to speak to the general manager. I was informed there was no general manager for the hotel, but that the Guest Services Manager (GSM) would be able to assist me.

The GSM (Rosie) came on the line, apologized for the inconvenience I had experienced and invited me to come back to the hotel and “try again”. However, before we set a date for us to come back she informed me that the room was STILL NOT CLEAN, nor would it be cleaned until the following day (over 48 hours in case you are not keeping track). Disappointed by the situation (and concerned about the hotel’s cleaning practices) I agreed to come in on January 6, 2010 to view the room and have a tour of the hotel. In the event that the room was booked she was to call me and let me know so that I didn’t waste my time. I was also given the name of the hotel staff member that would assist me at 7pm and the guarantee that I would be taken care of.

On January 6, 2010 my family, my fiancĂ©, and I went to the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS in WHITBY, ONTARIO for the second time that week to view the room. Upon entering we were greeted by a staff member who went to get the employee that was to assist us. When the employee walked out (clearly confused) I introduced myself and it was immediately clear she had no idea about the appointment and admitted as much. Accordingly I explained what we were looking for and was told that the room had been given as an upgrade to one the “Priority Rewards” Members and we would not be able to view the space.

In the end she did take us on a tour, but everything seemed poorly kept and the Jacuzzi tube in one of the rooms looked questionable at best and frankly the whole experience left a dissatisfying taste in our mouths.

This whole experience was juxtaposed by the fantastic experience we had when we went to visit the hotel directly next door to the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS in WHITBY, ONTARIO – the Marriott Residence Inn. The Inn provided us with an excellent tour, lots of helpful answers and information and looked remarkably clean (mind you, comparatively to the Holiday Inn it may not have taken that much!).

Therefore, it is easy to make my decision as to which hotel chain to use, obviously one hotel wants my business and the other one has zero interest or commitment to ensure guest satisfaction, quality and making the effort out to make my wedding just that little bit better. Seriously why would I want to stick my family and friends into rooms of a questionable cleaning status and force them to deal with rude staff?  Talk about being a little "off kilter"!

Frankly, as a side note to the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS in WHITBY, ONTARIO I am disappointed and frustrated and I feel you owe me an apology. Thank you for wasting my time, but I do appreciate you making my decision that much easier as now I know that I want to stay at the Marriott Residence Inn – with wedding bells on in fact!

PS: I am a little annoyed (if you haven't guessed... so I did something I've never done before - I made a YouTube Video and e-mailed it to the Holiday Inn... you know just to get their thoughts on the whole situation as clearly phone calls don't work (did I mention that I tried calling back to complain and it disconnected?)... Originally I was going to use clay and make figures for the video and act the whole thing out, but when I realized that might be going a little far I just decided to give my verbal account... make sure to visit the link so the Holiday Inn recognizes that people are interested and it is time for customer service to take the driver's seat... instead of a back seat to commercialism, staff cuts, and simply poor quality overall (quantity isn't everything).

YouTube Link: (If you have "issues" watching this video click on the "HQ" button in the right hand corner of the video screen)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Marie and Brandon Present: Guys and Dolls... (Please Picture Brandon Being Part of a Chorus Line Here)

Okay, okay, I know I haven’t spent any time introducing Brandon’s crew – despite my continuous promises to do so. Please don’t blame me, but things keep happening and I end up veering off of my intended topic. Therefore, before anything else happens (i.e. something shiny catches my eye) I would like to take this time to properly introduce the groomsmen...

Brandon may kill me for this reference, in fact as I write this I am beginning to worry he may kill himself, but I lean toward calling the group of groomsmen “Guys and Doll(s)” [ASIDE: Sorry Brandon for my need to use musical theatre to describe your group, but it is the only thing that keeps popping into my head... it makes me wonder if instead of being “Off Kilter” we are "Off Broadway ] (For more information on Guys and Dolls please visit: Despite the reference, I hope we don’t have any gangsters, drunks and/or crooks in the troop, but a friend is a friend and we will love the groomsmen no matter what “indiscretions” they may bring to the table.

The Days Before Amandeep...
(Left to Right) Jason, Lanny, Brandon and Sue

You are probably sitting there reading this blog more confused about my reference than during my crazy “Batman” kick of a few months ago, however the explanation is simple as in our true “off-kilter” fashion the gang of groomsmen consists of a best man, two groomsmen and a groomswoman - gotta keep things different!

Now, without further adieu...

Leading the pack of groomsmen is none other than the Groom’s big brother, Jason. Jason is the proud father of Alyssa, Brandon’s enchanting niece. Jason is currently dating the lovely Angie (who the family just adores). Brandon and Jason can spend eons shooting the breeze and chatting in Brandon’s parents’ hot tub... Frankly, if you were to ask Brandon to define friendship he would tell you to that it is simple to define, just turn to his brother.


Sue is the next to be introduced and this would be where the “doll” comes in as Sue is one of the nicest people in the world... an absolute “doll” if you will. Sue loves sports, dogs (she is the proud mom of a pack of them!), cats (“Smokey, and the Bandit”, how cute is that? (For more information please reference for more information) and is engaged to the delightful Terri. Brandon and Sue are roommates, but much more like family.

A Rose Between Two Thorns, or a Thorn Between Two Roses?
(Left to Right) Sue, Marie, and Terri

As previously mentioned in other posts, Landon joins the group as the proud new papa of the gang – 6 weeks and counting! Lanny is a banker by trade, but enjoys poker and scotch so perhaps he may have the potential ingredients for a gangster. Married for 1/20th of a century to Lorraine (AKA the Major-General of my Unit), Lanny has known Brandon since the four of us met at the “Chicken Chalet” and the infamous words “would you like dark meat or white meat?” were uttered. Tear...

The New Happy Family!

Lastly (as far as the groomsmen go) is someone who I introduced to y’all on Saturday – Amandeep. Deep joins our gang as the tallest member of the party and has the misfortune of having attended York University for his undergrad – this fact was a HUGE concern for me as being an alumni of UofT the steadily increasing number of York grads in our wedding party is reaching alarming numbers. Amandeep also has the mis (errr...cough) fortune of dating my lovely sister and is probably one of the smartest people I know (love you man).

Amandeep, Piper and Megs (What a Cute Trio)

Drawing up the rear of the male contingent is perhaps the shortest member of the wedding party (I’d have to measure my sister against him to know for sure!). This fellow has an obsession with Thomas Da Tank (sorry started slipping back into that whole gangsta’ thing from previous posts), is an older bro to Rhys, will soon be my nephew (officially that is!) and is the son of Brandon’s sister Meaghan – please give up a loud round of applause for the soon to be four year old Ring Bearer Extraordinaire (RBE) – Ryder!

This is an old picture (so he has grown a lot!) but the day was so much fun it had to be used... 
Meet Ryder our RBE and Chuckee Cheese Officianado

Now that the gang of groomspeople have been introduced (including our adorable RBE) it is time to introduce the remainder of Brandon’s posse...

Brandon is the off-shoot of John and Lorraine (AKA Mom and Dad) and has known them for pretty much all his life (please know I am a loser and I enjoy making the most obvious of statements). This coming September (aka the month of the wedding) John and Lorraine will be celebrating thirty years of marriage, thus making our day that much more special!

In Grandma Mode!  Lorraine is helping Rhys

Guys Will Be Guys...
(Left to Right) Jason, John and Brandon

Next is Brandon’s sister, Meaghan. Meaghan plays the role of older sister, female advisor and former butt kicking judo athlete. Meaghan is the proud mom of Ryder and Rhys and is currently studying to become a Montessori teacher. (PS While Rhys is too small to be in the wedding party we still love him and can’t wait until we can have a full fledged conversation with him... right now it is kind of one sided!).

Brandon looks like he is enjoying a BIG beer with his BIG sis

So that is the troop of “peeps” that comprise Brandon’s half of the team, but let’s face it, whether it is my “Unit” or Brandon’s gang of “Guys and Doll(s)” it doesn’t matter, because to both of us they represent the best friends anyone could ask for.

255 Days to Go!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Once Upon a Time We Got Engaged... (And it took me one million years to write this!)

Originally this post was started at least twenty days ago... however now that I am sitting here with plans of finishing it I almost feel overwhelmed with how much I have to say... a shocking occurrence I am sure you realize. Therefore, I guess the best place to pick up this blog is at the beginning and we will see how I do at getting the many wedding related tidbits onto paper (this may have to turn into another three part saga)... But just for the record I really do try to limit each post to about 10,000 words or so... (Kidding... kind of!).

First, Brandon and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Hopefully 2010 is better than 2009 and the next decade is better than the last. On a personal note, I am suddenly beside myself because it is now 2010 and that means THIS is the year I am getting married! How did that happen?

That being said, the last blog I published was a pre-amble to Brandon and I going to Nathan Phillip’s Square to celebrate the one year anniversary of our engagement. The night was lovely for many reasons, but it was “extra” lovely because I got to use him as a pack mule to haul a Christmas tree, bells, tinsel, a doll bed, and other assorted items up to the 13th floor of City Hall for my entry in my office’s holiday desk decorating contest (more on that later). However, the trip was worth it as there is nothing better than the view of the Square from City Hall. It is breathtaking – especially once the Christmas lights are all turned on.

We're Engaged!

Once I had finished using and abusing Brandon’s excellent pack mule qualities it was time for skating and to enjoy Toronto’s Cavalcade of Lights. It was tons of fun and thankfully not as cold as last year.

OMG!  What a night (I am going to get frost bite on my hand!)

Speaking of the Cavalcade of Lights and the one year anniversary of our engagement I feel it is time I bore (yes bore, I have learned to face reality – another one of my “steps”) everyone with the tale of Brandon proposing (don’t worry I will only provide the Reader’s Digest version)...

It is negative one million and Brandon is still doesn't wear a scarf!

Once upon a time, Brandon and Marie met and fell in love... they dated for a REALLY long time and one day the couple went to Toronto to enjoy the “perfect” Christmas day. Upon their arrival at Nathan Phillips Square (100 Queen St. W., Toronto) Brandon led Marie over to the beautiful red and white Christmas tree and handed her a box. Inside the box was a Kleenex and a Band Aid (what an odd gift...); the explanation for the Band Aid was “in case ‘this’ doesn’t fit”, at which point Brandon got down on one knee, pulled out an incredible diamond ring and proposed. However, the surprise ending to this lovely tale was that Marie said... no (gotcha!) – Of course the answer was a clear and certain yes!

The best night ever - December 2008

Okay, now that I have the follow up to my last post off my chest I can now at least deal with wedding events in recent days as opposed to early December! The next exciting event that occurred over the last few weeks was Brandon and I attended our friends’ (Avryl and Ricky) wedding at Trillium Trails on December 19th and it was a beautiful. For us, attending a wedding before our own big day amplified our anticipation and that mingling in with our shared joy for our friends’ happiness created the perfect day.

Heading to the wedding...

However, one of the most exciting moments occurred when I CAUGHT THE BOUQUET! I was thrilled! I used the two finger reach out technique (and did not scratch out anyone’s eyes). Question: Is it lame that before all the “single ladies” went up to do the mad dash for the flowers all I could think of was that this was my last opportunity to catch the bouquet? Therefore, I was committed... I was going to be the lucky one. Thanks Avryl for throwing it to me! And to you both we wish you all the best in your exciting future together!

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Jeffreys

All that December excitement brings me right to Christmas. This Christmas Brandon had to work and we didn’t have a lot of time together and therefore had to capitalize on what we did have. However, Christmas Eve Brandon was off, but I had to work late so he came to City Hall and picked me up (I once more capitalized on his pack mule capabilities and got him to help bring my Christmas Tree home (another reason why I love him!)... by the way I won the desk contest!). We drove back to Whitby and arrived home to my wonderful family. While we munched on cookies (my mom is the best baker in the world) my parents prepared dinner. However, before we dined Brandon and I headed over to his Grandma Marj’s and Grandpa Vic’s place to see his parents and the rest of his extended family for some yuletide good wishes.

Guess I am the next to be married!
Doesn't she make a beautiful bride?

Dinner was honestly one of my high points for 2009 as it had all my favourites... lobster, steak, chocolate chip and banana cake.... mmmm... However, the food was beat by our game of “High/Low”. For those who have never played the game please reference The Story of Us with Michelle Pfeiffer and Bruce Willis... but the basic idea is that everyone at the table has to state their high point of the day/week/month/year (whatever is specified) and their low point. Everyone went around the table and Brandon went last... his low point was having to work Christmas Day, but his high point was finding out whether Amandeep (Megan’s boyfriend) would like to wear a kilt in our wedding and join our wedding party! The answer was a surprised and pleased yes! Welcome to the team Deep!

Okay I just hit word number 959 so I think it is time to stop. However, I won’t be so slow positing now that the holidays are over so just stayed tuned. There is exactly T-Minus 258 days to go and lots more stories and exciting things to share (don’t worry I still have a stock pile from the last few weeks!).

Happy 2010 Everyone!

PS... If you want to check out a picture of the most adorable new baby in the world... see below!  (Carter Landon - Son of Groomsman Lanny and Bridesmaid Lorraine)

They are so cute... Brandon will make such a great dad!