Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Showered with Love and Family (and a little advice for Brandon thrown in for good measure)

Anyone that knows me knows that family is very important to me. I love the very idea of a group of people supporting each other and being linked (genetically or otherwise)... family is a beautiful thing. For this reason the very first wedding shower that was thrown for me a few weeks ago represented the epitome of family togetherness and left me with a feeling of warmth and joy that is hard to put into words.

The shower was hosted by my Dad’s trio of sisters and my grandmother and was held at my lovely Aunt Donna’s house. The whole event was a surprise and the rouse to get me there was that it was an anniversary party for my grandparents – more fool me (I was confused for at least five minutes after I walked in – even though everyone yelled “surprise!”). The guest list was varied and included everyone from my youngest cousin Julien (who is singing at the wedding – yeah!) to my grandmother and three of her sisters (that would make them my “great” aunts).

Some of the wonderful women of the "Greig" family
(L to R) Julien, Laura (Mom!), Aunt Deb,
Me (the one with the veil), Aunt Kim, Aunt Donna, Megan

The food was fantastic – finger foods, cake, and sundaes – can it get any better? And needless to say the generosity of the guests was amazing and Brandon and I appreciate everyone’s thoughtfulness and kindness – who knew we were so lucky?

More family and friends like family 
 Aunt Deanne, Aunt Donna, Janessa, and Denise 

One of the activities organized by my cousin Janessa for the guests was to take the letters that make up “Marie ” and “Brandon” and give us marital advice (starting with each letter). The winner of this contest was Julien (she hasn’t even reached the age of majority yet!) and her advice would rival the best pearls of wisdom that of a woman married for over 60 years would be able to offer... for example for “B” she suggested “be comfortable in your own home” – genius I say, genius! Julien when you are 80 you will just be scary with brilliance.

So since the shower I have been developing my own set of advice for the letters in our names to offer to Brandon to help assist him deal with me as the days tick by (24 left) until the wedding and after we say “I do” – so without further adieu my advice to Brandon...  (Please enjoy all the advice Brandon – and remember I am always able to provide more!)

M – Money, just give me money.
A – Always treat me better then the refrigerator.
R – Remember to plug my cell phone in for me (and tell me where my keys are).
I – Isolate all smells at least 4.78 metres away from me.
E – Enjoy the honeymoon stage when I clean and cook, because let’s face it... it won’t last.


B – Breakfast, always make me breakfast in bed.
R – Retail therapy is not a four letter word.
A – Answer to everything is “yes dear”.
N – Never confess your undying love of the TV before you say the same to me.
D – Don’t expect decent meals all the time – or some of the time for that matter.
O – Only do laundry when I am not around to feel guilty about not helping.
N – Notwithstanding everything mentioned above... please don’t forget I love you and I think you are the best part of my life.

The highlight of the event for me was something quite simple and rather quite old... a paper doll with a fold out skirt that has managed to work her way into every shower held in my family over the last 40 years... (see the picture). This “old” gal must be a good luck charm as she oversees every bride at her bridal shower and so far (touch wood) not a divorce in the crowd... how many families can say that? In the picture you may notice a tartan shawl draped over the lass (my family tartan) – as I am having an “off kilter” Celtic wedding, my Aunt Deb decided to add a little “scotch” to the lass – pretty good looking, eh?

Looks like a Scottish Jackie O

Thank you once more to everyone... Aunt Donna for hosting the event at her house, Aunt Kim for the cake, Aunt Deb for the food and the Scottish lass, my mom and my sister just for being there, all the other guests, and most importantly my grandmother for being married for almost 64 years and showing that even if you add 6 kids into the mix, marriage can last a lifetime – I love you all.


  1. Once again you have written an entertaining blog - it sounds like you had a truly memorable shower and I have to say - I love LOVE the tradition of the paper shower doll - how touching and thoughtful!

    Enjoy your finaly 24 days - they are going to fly by!


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