Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Double Booked and a Wedding Cake - 25 days!

Rehearsal Dinner...

You might remember a few posts ago when I mentioned that the restaurant we are holding our rehearsal dinner at double booked us... seriously! I was sick as a dog with a broken insulin pump when I received the call from the restaurant. Apparently they have two wedding rehearsals scheduled for the same day, same time... hmpf.

As a result I had to go down to the restaurant in my public health disaster state and try to figure out what we were going to do - nothing like fun. The owner of the restaurant met me and after I sneezed and hacked all over the place (take that!), we pretty much determined it sucked to be me. How frustrating! They have a different area we can use, but the point is that when I booked they had nothing else written in their reservation book - therefore, I think I should have the room I requested... however, it is what it is and life goes on.

Tonight Brandon and I returned to the restaurant to talk about the rehearsal dinner and I am feeling much more reassured and think it should be pretty awesome - despite the fact that the restaurant was nearly condemned by the time I sneezed and sniffled my way through the last time I was there (sorry if this horrifies the rehearsal attendees!).

Wedding Cake...

Another wonderful moment as of late has been the constant preparation of wedding cake by my fantastic mom. It has been like a Betty Crocker Bake Off as she has prepared over 20 loafs of cake to be divided up for our lovely guests, and of course a layer for the top of the cake! I will be honest I've sampled and may I say YUM! I love my mom for many reasons - she can be punched by our dog and still come up fighting, she is the perfect West Wing buddy, she has always taken amazing care of my sister and I, but most importantly the fact that she always goes the extra mile with everything she touches is another reason I love her to pieces.

Okay it is 10 p.m. and time for bed... the shower tale will have to wait until tomorrow...

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